Katie Hubbard at The Duck Room

Katie Hubbard Tickets

The Duck Room | University City, Missouri

Missouri cannot wait for Saturday 19th August 2023 because Katie Hubbard is appearing LIVE in concert at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room concert stage. Fans and audiences from all over the country are flying in to see this unforgettable event. This professional band deliver a top-notch top-shelf show every time and are guaranteed to give you an memorable Saturday night that could only be witnessed at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room. Whether your a huge fan or a music lover of the genre, you'd better be ready for a mind-blowing experience, when you join the audience for this once-in-a-lifetime show. Click that Buy Ticket button as Katie Hubbard tickets are in high demand, once they're gone, they are gone.

Katie Hubbard at The Duck Room

Some artists have fan-bases. Others, like Katie Hubbard have a family. Are you a part of that family? Blueberry Hill Duck Room is the perfect place for a “family reunion”. The awesome atmosphere will help you meet fellow Katie Hubbard fans and make many new friends to share this experience with. From waiting in line, to getting a drink at the many refreshment bars around the venue, you’ll have many chances to share your excitement with other fellow fans. Then, when the first cord strikes, you’ll be grooving, jumping and singing together as if you’ve known each other forever. And, after this, maybe you will! Hearing hundreds, or thousands, of voices screaming and singing along with you to every tune and seeing the light of thousands of flashlights held up the venue are sights and sounds that will send chills down your spine and give you goosebumps. The overall atmosphere of a concert leaves no room for any other feeling other than excitement and happiness. And all of this is just one click away from being yours.

Katie Hubbard at The Duck Room

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